“Storage decision became a milestone in green energy transformation.”

Alper Kalaycı, the President of Energy Industrialists and Businessmen Association (ENSIA), referred to the decision that opens the way for energy storage investments as a cornerstone in Turkey’s journey towards green energy transformation.

In a press release issued by ENSIA, Kalaycı emphasized that making energy storage investments attractive is critical in reducing Turkey’s energy dependence. He thanked all public authorities who signed this important legislative amendment, which allows energy to be supplied to the grid from solar power plants (GES) and windless days from wind power plants (RES).

Elvan Aygün, Sales Manager of AHA Technology Inc., a corporate member of ENSIA, commented on the amendment and said that Turkey has entered a new era in renewable energy with this legislative change. Aygün pointed out the importance of using high-tech products with internationally recognized competence for energy storage investments and warned against turning “Turkey into a battery dump due to application errors.”

Aygün emphasized that the quality, durability, battery life, and cycle capacities of the equipment used are important factors to consider, as well as the proper functioning of energy and battery management systems, product operating modes, and response times. Aygün also expects the technical specification details to be published as soon as possible. In the coming days, they will focus more on ancillary services such as grid control and arbitrage. Energy storage is a serious business, and the system used must be high-quality and reliable in all aspects.

The regulation came into effect last week.

The official gazette published a special clause for electricity storage facility investments in the Electricity Market Law in July 2022. According to this clause, energy investors who want to invest in electricity storage facilities can obtain a license without entering any competition process for wind and/or solar energy investments, up to the capacity of the storage facility.

These investments can also benefit from the Renewable Energy Source Support Mechanism (YEKDEM). Existing power plants can also benefit from similar support.

In addition, if certain conditions, such as not exceeding the areas designated in the licenses of the current power plants, not exceeding the installed electrical power in the licenses during operation, and obtaining positive opinions from relevant grid operators, are met, capacity expansion rights will be granted based on the power of the electricity storage investment.
